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This module captures images from the Indycam or \( \textrm{O}_{2} \)cam attached to the system (if any), using the Digital Media library. It is very versatile and supports many options.

The images as obtained from the Digital Media library are stored as an interlaced array of RGB values in memory, and the ImageVision ilMemoryImg class is used to read this array into a format suitable for the ImageVision library.

One downside to the module is that it captures images using what is known as ``discrete'' mode, as opposed to ``continuous'' mode. As the names suggest, discrete mode is suited to capturing single images, and continuous mode is suited to capturing a stream of images for a movie. The use of discrete mode lowers the performance slightly, but makes the code a lot simpler.

Valid names for this module are camera, vlcamera, cam, indycam, o2cam, video, videocamera, and videocam.

The -zoom family of parameters specify the size of the captured image and the default is a half-sized image. A full-sized image can be specified with -full or -framesize full, a half-sized image with -half or -framesize half and a quarter-sized image with -quarter or -framesize quarter. Finally, a zoom fraction can be specified as -zoom numerator denominator, where the zoom fraction is \( \frac{\textrm{numerator}}{\textrm{denominator}} \), or with the shortcut -zoom denominator, where the zoom fraction is \( \frac{1}{\textrm{denominator}} \).

The number of frames to capture can be specified with the -count x, -frames x, -countframes x, or -numframes x, where x is the number of frames to capture. The shortcuts -single and -one capture a single image.

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Kevin Pulo