[4] Recent changes to this document
(Part of C++ FAQ Lite, Copyright © 1991-2001, Marshall Cline, cline@parashift.com)

FAQs in section [4]:

[4.1] What updates were made for the 08/01 release? NEW!

[Recently created (in 8/01). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the "chain" of recent changes.]

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[4.2] What updates were made for the 04/01 release? NEW!

[Recently created (in 4/01). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the "chain" of recent changes.]

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[4.3] What updates were made for the 07/00 release?

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[4.4] What updates were made for the 03/00 release?

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[4.5] What updates were made for the 01/00 release?

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[4.6] What updates were made for the 10/99 release?

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[4.7] What updates were made for the 07/99 release?

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[4.8] What updates were made for the 06/98 release?

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[4.9] What updates were made for the 05/98 release?

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[4.10] What updates were made for the 09/97 release?

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[4.11] What updates were made for the 01/97 release?

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[4.12] What updates were made for the 11/96 release?

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[4.13] What updates were made for the 10/96 release?

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[4.14] What updates were made for the 09/96 release?

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[4.15] What updates were made for the 08/96 release?

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[4.16] What updates were made for the 07/96 release?

Global changes:

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[4.17] What updates were made for the 06/96 release?

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[4.18] What updates were made for the 05/96 release?

Updated everything. Transformed the source from raw text to HTML. Reorganized, reworded, expanded, added example code, etc, etc.

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[4.19] What updates were made for the 04/96 release?

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[4.20] What updates were made for the 03/96 release?

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[4.21] What updates were made for the 09/95 release?

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[4.22] What updates were made for the 06/95 release?

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[4.23] What updates were made for the 04/95 release?

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[4.24] What updates were made for the 03/95 release?

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[4.25] What updates were made for the 01/95 release?

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[4.26] What updates were made for the 12/94 release?

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[4.27] What updates were made for the 11/94 release?

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[4.28] What updates were made for the 08/94 release?

Rewrote most of the answers to provide general cleanup. Changed the quotation marks to "..." rather than `...' and/or ``...''. Sample code lines now start with a tab (no other lines starts with a tab). Everything was edited; minor modifications everywhere.

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[4.29] What updates were made before 08/94?

This document was originally written in 1991. I have no record of the specific changes that were made until 8/94.

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Revised Aug 15, 2001